At Lost car keys we are specialist car locksmiths, because we are only auto locksmiths we have equipment and expertise to be able to complete jobs other locksmiths cannot do.
The Lexus immobiliser system and the Toyota immobiliser system are the same, this means in order to program a new car key you must have a working key. In the case if just needing a spare car key this is not a problem, however if you have lost your car key and now have no keys at all, clearly there is a problem.
If you were to speak to the Lexus main dealer their approach to this situation will be very expensive as they have to not only provide new car keys but also replace electronic control units, this will entail removal of the interior of your car to be able to access the immobiliser unit. In all the labour will be around 10 hours, plus the keys and the control units and the bill will be around £2000 possibly more!
We can offer a solution for both the normal type of key and the smart key system(the little match boxed sized key that just has to be in the car to allow the car to start), not only can we produce a new key, but being fully mobile car locksmiths we can do this at your location, so there is no recovery costs either.
if you have lost your key to a Toyota or Lexus call us now and we will get you back on the road.