Keys Locked in Car Great Abington

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We have a car locksmith that covers Cambridge and the surrounding areas, today he was called out to Granta Park Great Abington, the customer had locked their car key in the boot of a Nissan Juke.

As specialist car locksmiths we have the equipment and expertise to open any vehicle WITH OUT DAMAGE we do this by manipulating your door lock (after all we are locksmiths) unlike the aa or other recovery companies they will wedge out your door bending it or scratching your paint work, ultimately if your car is deadlocked they will not get in.

We unlocked the Nissan Juke for the customer, recovered their keys from the boot of the vehicle and they were back on the road.


We can open any car van or teuck, if you are locked out of your vehicle give us a call 07813 802039

Locksmiths and Car Keys in Cambridge and surrounding areas