Landrover Defender Key

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We are specialist vehicle locksmiths, and we can provide replacement car keys for the Landrover range of vehicles including the Defender. If you need a spare set of keys and a remote fob, we have them in stock and can cut a key to fit your defender.

Lost your Landrover Defender key?

No problem, we deal with lost car keys every day, and can supply, cut and program a replacement key to fit you vehicle, even when you have no keys. As mobile vehicle locksmiths we can do this at your location, and if you have a Landrover Defender, this may be in a field, we will come to you and make a key.

The Landrover Defender immobiliser system has been the same from the day Landrover introduced it, we have a wealth of experience of this system, so if you have an immobiliser problem, or your defender fob has stopped working give us a call we will be able to help.



We have locksmiths in Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, and parts of Suffolk, if you need a Landrover key, look no further, we have them in stock and if its an emergency we can fit you in today. Call us on 07813 802039 speak to a vehicle locksmith that is a Landrover specialist.


Replacement Landrover Keys