We have a car locksmith covering Sandy in Bedfordshire and surrounding areas, We offer replacement car, van or truck keys for all makes of vehicle. Lost Car Keys are specialist auto locksmiths and we can provide you with a key even if you have NO KEYS … we will come to your location, open the vehicle, cut a key to fit your vehicle and finally program the new key to your vehicle immobiliser.
Locked out of your car …. keys locked in the car ?
As fully mobile emergency locksmiths we can open any car, van or truck and then recover your key. Our locksmiths are experts and as such we will gain access to your vehicle without damage, unlike recovery companies that bend your door or scratch your vehicle … you wouldnt get a brick layer to do plumbing would you, give us a call and we will unlock your car.
Need a Mercedes, BMW VW, Audi, Toyota key ?
We cover these cars too, EVERY MAKE OF CAR call us and speak directly to an experienced locksmith, we can give you the service and advice you need.
Locksmiths in Bedfordshire Hertfordshire Cambridgeshire Essex & Suffolk
All makes of car, van or truck key supplied, cut and programmed to your vehicle